The first three videos would be a continuation of our previous three stories with the situations being such that the option of ordering online is a more convenient option. Nowhere do we suggest that going to the store is a bad idea or waste of time. However, at times when that’s not possible, the app/ website is a great service from Sultan for it’s valued customers.
The visual treatment for these would be bright colours, camera following the characters and moving like a third person in the room. There will also be a lot of close-ups letting the actors’ expressions and emotions take center-stage.
The next set of three videos targets three different demographics shot with slick, stylised transitions and match-motion cuts (references can be seen below) keeping the viewer engaged.
The final video will feature the Kanzee loyalty program. It will highlight the three membership statuses as our main character levels up into a dreamscape of benefits from Sultan.
The camera follows two children running into their parents room reminding their dad they need to go to Sultan as planned. Under the sheets, the father is sick – red-nosed and coughing. The kids get sad wondering what to do when the camera pans to the mother who is working on her laptop. “I know you’ll miss going to the store”, she says. “But we can still order online!”.
They ‘huddle’ around the screen and place the order.
VO (with visual of website simulation, adding items to cart):
Kuwait’s best online grocery shopping experience. Quick and easy!
Shop at your convenience and earn Kanzee loyalty points with each purchase.
Download the app now!
Young daughter of the family on her “phone” swiping through.
We hear mom’s voice is the background speaking in a loud voice.
Mom: Saraaaaah, Get ready, we have to go grocery shopping! We have lot of work to do today.
Sarah: Mom, we could save time today and just order it through the app.
Mom pops from the side of the screen with a surprised expression.
Mom: Really?
Sarah: Yes, see!
Mom: Wait, let me bring my list
Mom brings her infamous long list and starts adding items to the cart.
Each time she adds an item, it appears as a graphic on the screen with a ‘beep’ (barcode swiped) sound.
While the mom is in the middle of her order, her husband pops from the other side of the screen and says;
Dad: Great, you’re ordering online! She was about to drag us all to go just to get a couple of tomatoes!
Mom stares at him
Dad (sheepishly): But we could still go, if you want.
Son pops from behind of his sister and starts ordering his orders.
Dad jumps back in the screen says:
Before I forget, get me some chips. I’ll have them while watching the match! I don’t HAVE to watch it (looking at his wife).
Mom pushes dad out of the screen tell him: Yalla, go get ready for your game.
The Camera turns around and shows us the phone that Sarah was looking at with the application as she goes to the checkout page.
VO (with visual of website simulation, adding items to cart):
Kuwait’s best online grocery shopping experience. Quick and easy!
Shop at your convenience and earn Kanzee loyalty points with each purchase.
Download the app now!
Three friends are hanging out at home. Two of them are busy playing PlayStation while one is chilling on a bean bag.
F1: “Guys! You said 20 minutes 2 hours ago! Yalla, we need snacks for movie time, later!”
*clicking sound of the controllers* Close-up of the friends faces who continue playing as if they did not hear him
“Come onnn!” (slightly whiny tone this time)
One of them hands their phone to him with the Sultan app open.
Camera zooms in from between the two of them to the guy taking the phone
VO (with visual of app simulation, adding items to cart):
Kuwait’s best online grocery shopping experience. Quick and easy!
Shop at your convenience and earn Kanzee loyalty points with each purchase.
Download the app now!
Friend 1 is sitting on the floor, fully immersed in playing a game
Friend 2 sitting next to him. She is leaning back on the table behind them looking bored,
She says: Khaled, this game is taking ages and you know the rest are coming later for the gathering right?
Friend 3 he slides in, on the couch behind the table, holding his phone with his other hand while sliding it on the table
(Beep! Sound of barcode scanning comes in the background).
He says: Relax Di, we got this. As he hands the phone to the girl
She starts adding things in the cart (with every add, we hear the ‘beep’ as if another item has been scanned)
Her: Done!
“Wait!” (camera zooms in to the guy sitting behind, as he nods ‘no’. The camera continues to zoom to the gamer. He is chewing on Twizzlers.)
He says: Get me 3 packs of these. Please! 😀
VO (with visual of app simulation, adding items to cart):
Kuwait’s best online grocery shopping experience. Quick and easy!
Shop at your convenience and earn Kanzee loyalty points with each purchase.
Download the app now!
We see a couple relaxing at the beach relaxing.
They are going through a checklist of chores done.
Her: You did the dishes?
Him: I did the dishes
Her: I finished the laundry.
Filled the cat’s food bowl?
Him: Filled the food bowl
Her: I cleared out the cupboard and shelves.
Did you get the grocery?
Him: *Relaxed eyes suddenly pop wide open – He forgot!*
Her: Grocery?
Him: Ummm… Yes! I did the grocery (He opens the app on the side and starts ordering)
Her: All done, then. We can relax now (She picks up a book and starts reading)
Him: *Finishes ordering and has a relaxed smile on his face*
VO (with visual of app simulation, adding items to cart):
Kuwait’s best online grocery shopping experience. Quick and easy!
Shop at your convenience and earn Kanzee loyalty points with each purchase.
Download the app now!
The lady of the house is in her morning routine
She gets a voice message from her husband saying “Hey honey! I left already. I have urgent meeting to attend to, but I wanted to let you know that my parents are coming over for lunch today. I would be amazing If you prepare your famous Pasta di Carbonara with your beautiful hands”
Her face changes to one of panic. She gets on the app and starts ordering the ingredients that she is missing.
Each time she orders something we see the item appear on screen with a ‘beep’ sound.
Cuts to:
She is fully ready when the husband walks in with a bouquet of flowers.
The wife is happy and surprised and says, “Wow! These are beautiful! Where did you get them from?”
The husband puts his phone on the table and pushes it little bit away as if he is trying to hide it
The camera focuses on the phone which shows the Sultan app open to the flowers section.
VO (with visual of app simulation, adding items to cart):
Kuwait’s best online grocery shopping experience. Quick and easy!
Shop at your convenience and earn Kanzee loyalty points with each purchase.
Download the app now!
VO: Super moms can get super tired
Match motion treatment – Mother is playing with the child, ‘throwing’ him up/ Cut to (camera moves upwards): She is placing something on a high shelf/ Cut to (camera moves downwards): Placing the baby down to change his diaper/ Cut to: Folding clothes/ Cut to: Picking up her phone
So Sultan has a super solution for you.
We see a front facing shot of her holding the phone. As she orders different items on the app, she appears to be standing against different aisles in the supermarket (as a direct reference to the item ordered). Her cart is displayed as a graphic on one side the screen
Kuwait’s best online grocery shopping experience. Quick and easy!
Shop at your convenience and earn Kanzee loyalty points with each purchase.
Download the app now!
VO: Super dads can get super busy
Match motion treatment – An office-going man sits down at his work desk/ Cut to (camera moves downwards): Coffee pouring down into a cup/ Cut to: Receiving a file from the right, placing it to the left/ Cut to (camera moves sideways): Picking up his phone from the left
So Sultan has a super solution for you.
We see a front facing shot of him holding the phone. As she orders different items on the app, she appears to be standing against different aisles in the supermarket (as a direct reference to the item ordered). Her cart is displayed as a graphic on one side the screen
Kuwait’s best online grocery shopping experience. Quick and easy!
Shop at your convenience and earn Kanzee loyalty points with each purchase.
Download the app now!
VO: Your super brain can get super tired
Match motion treatment – A young man/ teenager throws his uni bag and crashes on a couch (camera ‘falls’ with him)/ Cut to (camera ‘rises’ up again in a semi-circular motion): He’s typing away at a keyboard in front of his computer and leans back/ Cut to: He’s in bed, tired, looking at his phone
So Sultan has a super solution for you.
We see a front facing shot of him holding the phone. As she orders different items on the app, she appears to be standing against different aisles in the supermarket (as a direct reference to the item ordered). Her cart is displayed as a graphic on one side the screen
Kuwait’s best online grocery shopping experience. Quick and easy!
Shop at your convenience and earn Kanzee loyalty points with each purchase.
Download the app now!
We see a man sitting at home. He is holding his phone, placing an order on the Sultan app.
The camera zooms in to his face. The moment he adds the first item, we hear a *kaching* (Mario coin) sound.
As the camera starts zooming out, his room has now turned into a blue (Kanzee blue) ‘dreamscape’.
Everything starts moving in super slow-motion,
He gets up and joyfully continues ordering.
The coins keep chiming and he gets happier and happier.
He runs and jumps with joy, makes snow angels on the cloudy floor.
On the side of the screen we see a counter for the coins which also shows his loyalty status.
This keeps getting higher from Explorer to Expert to Elite.
When he reaches the Elite level, the camera is close in on his ecstatic face.
As it zooms out, things are back to normal.
VO: Collect coins based on your Kanzee status on every KD you spend in Sultan stores or online.
Trust us, it’s not a dream. It’s a dream come true!
Enjoy Kuwait’s best online grocery shopping experience.
Download the app now!